Order on Rules of Procedure for the Danish Refugee Appeals Board

Pursuant to section 56(9) of the Aliens Act, see Consolidation Act No. 785 of 10 August 2009, the following is laid down upon negotiation with the Executive Committee and the Coordination Committee of the Refugee Appeals Board:


Part 1


Composition and organisation of the Refugee Appeals Board; appointment of members


Composition and organisation


1. (1) The Refugee Appeals Board consists of a chairman and a number of deputy chairmen and other members. The Minister of Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs shall determine the number of deputy chairmen and other members.

(2) The Chairman must be a High Court judge or a Supreme Court judge, and the Deputy Chairmen must be judges. The other members must be attorneys or serve with the central administration of the Ministry of Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs, but not in the Secretariat of the Refugee Appeals Board.


2. When the Refugee Appeals Board considers a case, the Board consists of the Chairman or a Deputy Chairman, an attorney and a member serving with the central administration of the Ministry of Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs, but see sections 44, 45, 46 and 47.


3. The Chairman and the Deputy Chairmen constitute the Executive Committee of the Refugee Appeals Board. The tasks to be undertaken by the Executive Committee are set out in sections 13-16.


4. The Coordination Committee of the Refugee Appeals Board must be composed as provided by section 2 and must consist of permanent members as far as possible. The tasks of the Coordination Committee are set out in section 17.


Appointment and discontinuation as a member of the Refugee Appeals Board


5. (1) The members of the Refugee Appeals Board are appointed by the Executive Committee of the Board. The judges are appointed upon nomination by the Danish Court Administration (Domstolsstyrelsen) , the attorneys are appointed upon nomination by the Council of the Danish Bar and Law Society (Advokatrådet) , and the other members are appointed upon nomination by the Minister of Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs.

(2) Appointments are made at a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Refugee Appeals Board (Executive Committee meeting). For this purpose, the Secretariat of the Refugee Appeals Board shall draw up a list of all member nominees and submit it to the Executive Committee. After the Executive Committee meeting, the Secretariat shall draw up records of the appointments made by the Executive Committee, stating:-

(i) which members were appointed at the said Executive Committee meeting, possibly through reference to the enclosed list of member nominees;

(ii) term of appointment; and

(iii) particular matters discussed regarding the appointments.

(3) The members of the Refugee Appeals Board are appointed for a term not exceeding four years until expiry of the term of appointment.

(4) Prior to expiry of a term of appointment, the Secretariat of the Refugee Appeals Board shall ask all current Board members whether they want to be appointed for another term. Board members are eligible for re-appointment. If the Chairman of the Refugee Appeals Board is re-appointed, he shall retain his position as Chairman. In case of re-appointment, the procedure set out in subsection (2) hereof must be observed.


6. (1) The members of the Refugee Appeals Board can only be removed by judgment. Sections 49-50 of the Administration of Justice Act on the powers of the Special Court of Indictment and Revision (Den Særlige Klageret) apply correspondingly in respect of the members of the Refugee Appeals Board.

(2) Membership of the Refugee Appeals Board will cease when a member retires at his own request or the conditions of appointment are no longer satisfied. The appointment ends not later than by the end of the month of the member’s 70 th birthday. Release from the duties as a member of the Refugee Appeals Board is granted by the Chairman. The Executive Committee must be notified thereof at an Executive Committee meeting.

(3) If, for a period, a member of the Refugee Appeals Board is granted leave from the position that was a prerequisite of his appointment, the Chairman of the Refugee Appeals Board will similarly grant the member leave from his duties as a member of the Board for the same period.


Election of Chairman


7. (1) The Executive Committee of the Refugee Appeals Board shall elect a chairman among the members who are High Court judges or Supreme Court judges.

(2) The Chairman must be elected at an Executive Committee meeting. If more than one member want to contest the chairmanship, the chairman must be elected by ballot among the members present. Absent members may vote by written proxy. The chairman is elected by simple majority. After the Executive Committee meeting, the Secretariat shall draw up records of the election, stating:-

(i) the names of the members who wanted to contest the chairmanship;

(ii) the names of the members voting in person and the names of the members who voted by written proxy; and

(iii) the name of the member elected Chairman.


Ad hoc appointment and substitution


8. (1) The Chairman of the Refugee Appeals Board may authorise one or, if necessary, several of the Deputy Chairmen to take his place permanently or on an ad hoc basis.

(2) The Chairman, or the person so authorised by the Chairman, may, on ad hoc basis, appoint a former member of the Board to deliberate in a case in the consideration of which the member has previously been involved.

(3) Where a member is prevented from participating, the Chairman or the Deputy Chairman so authorised by the Chairman may designate or appoint another member, on an ad hoc basis, to replace the member in question during the continued consideration of the case (substitution). Cases where reasons of due process make it appropriate, including cases involving credibility problems and cases where the asylum-seeker’s appearance in person before the Board is of importance to the determination of the case, must be considered orally at another Board meeting.

(4) The Chairman may also authorise one or, if necessary, several of the Deputy Chairmen to take a Deputy Chairman’s place permanently or on an ad hoc basis when the Deputy Chairman is prevented from being present.


Part 2


Powers of the Refugee Appeals Board


9. The Refugee Appeals Board considers appeals of decisions made by the Danish Immigration Service regarding the following issues, see section 53a of the Aliens Act:-

(i) Refusal of an application for a residence permit for an alien who claims to fall within section 7 or 8(1) or (2) of the Aliens Act, and in that connection return under section 32a of the Aliens Act.

(ii) Lapse under sections 17 and 17a or revocation under section 19 or 20 of a residence permit issued under section 7 or 8(1) or (2) of the Aliens Act, and in that connection return under section 32a of the Aliens Act.

(iii) Refusal of issue of a Danish travel document to a refugee or revocation of such document.

(iv) Return under sections 32b and 49a of the Aliens Act.

(2) On request, the Refugee Appeals Board shall issue an opinion under section 53c of the Aliens Act for the purpose of a decision of the court on an application for a residence permit from or the return of an alien under section 45d(1)(iii) to (v) of the Aliens Act. Any such request of the court must be considered under Part 4.


Part 3


Activities of the Refugee Appeals Board


Chairman of the Refugee Appeals Board


10. (1) The Chairman represents the Refugee Appeals Board.

(2) The Chairman signs replies to Parliamentary questions, replies to inquiries from intergovernmental bodies, etc., opinions to the Parliamentary Ombudsman and the like on behalf of the Refugee Appeals Board.

(3) The Chairman, or the person so authorised by the Chairman, may dismiss any appeal that cannot, by its nature, be adjudicated by the Board.



11. With the assistance of the Secretariat, the Chairman shall plan the work of the Refugee Appeals Board and fix the meeting days, see sections 21-27 for details.


12. Ad hoc appointment and substitution are effected as determined by the Chairman, see section 8.


Executive Committee of the Refugee Appeals Board


13. The Chairman is elected by the Executive Committee of the Refugee Appeals Board, see section 7.


14. Members of the Refugee Appeals Board are appointed by the Executive Committee, see section 5.


15. The Executive Committee shall regularly discuss issues of importance to the work of the Refugee Appeals Board.


16. The Executive Committee shall submit an annual report on the activities of the Refugee Appeals Board. The report must be made public.


Coordination Committee of the Refugee Appeals Board


17. The Coordination Committee shall discuss issues relating to the general guidelines for the work of the Refugee Appeals Board. The Committee considers matters of general importance to the work of the Board, including, in particular, issues relating to:-

(i) possible criteria and circumstances of fact that may be included in the decision made by the individual Board in specific types of cases, including questions on procuring general background material and questions on adjournment or initiation of other procedural steps as a consequence thereof;

(ii) responses to consultations on new legislation;

(iii) determination of guidelines for the assignment of counsel;

(iv) the need to follow up on statements concerning the length of proceedings before the Board;

(v) the need to follow up on statements made by the National Commissioner of Police on asylum-seekers recorded as having been returned from or having left Denmark;

(vi) follow-up on notifications from the Danish Immigration Service to the Board pursuant to section 53b(3) of the Aliens Act; and

(vii) reports by the Danish Immigration Service to the police regarding the most common nationalities of persons granted asylum.


18. The Coordination Committee shall hold meetings at suitable intervals at the initiative of the Chairman or on request from another member of the Coordination Committee. Meetings are summoned by the Secretariat according to the authority of the Chairman. Secretariat staff will attend meetings. The Secretariat shall prepare minutes of decisions taken at meetings, which are to be circulated to the members of the Refugee Appeals Board following approval by the participants.


19. Decisions of the Coordination Committee are made by simple majority.


Secretariat of the Refugee Appeals Board


20. The Ministry of Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs shall make secretariat assistance available to the Refugee Appeals Board.


21. The Secretariat shall assist the Chairman of the Refugee Appeals Board in planning the activities of the Board and fixing the meeting days.


22. When a decision has been appealed to the Refugee Appeals Board, the Secretariat shall verify that the Danish Immigration Service has forwarded the documents of the case to the Board with complete information on the decision appealed against, a brief account of the circumstances relied on and the exhibits of the case.


23. (1) The Secretariat shall review cases and recommend to the Chairman of the Refugee Appeals Board whether the case proceedings should be oral or in writing, or considered by the Chairman or one of the Deputy Chairmen alone. The Chairman of the Board may authorise the Secretariat to be in charge of the allocation of cases.

(2) The Secretariat shall schedule the number of cases for the individual Board meeting which it is possible to hear within the time available, taking into consideration the speedy disposal of the cases, their nature and a proper hearing of the cases.

(3) The Secretariat shall summon the individual asylum-seeker for the Board meeting by ordinary letter at a notice of normally 14 days, which letter is to be sent to the asylum-seeker at the accommodation centre or other place of residence where the person in question is accommodated or stays according to the data recorded in the accommodation register. In special cases, including if the asylum-seeker’s place of residence is secret, he may be summoned in a different manner.

(4) For the Board meeting, the Secretariat shall summon an interpreter capable of interpreting into and from the asylum-seeker’s mother tongue, or if not possible another language spoken by the asylum-seeker. Afterwards the interpreter shall send his invoice to the Board, and as far as interpreters with a VAT number are concerned it must be an e-invoice. Time spent and travelling time as well as refund of transport expenses or car allowance must be approved by the person so authorised by the Chairman of the Refugee Appeals Board.


(5) Invoices for written translations requested by the Board must be sent to the Board as e-invoices. The number of lines translated must be approved by the person so authorised by the Chairman of the Refugee Appeals Board.


24. (1) Cases regarding unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors, asylum-seekers notified to the immigration authorities by the National Commissioner of Police as being charged with or sentenced for crime, and asylum-seekers reported by the accommodation operators due to behaviour that is disturbing to law and order at the accommodation centre must undergo particularly rapid examination.


(2) The Chairman of the Refugee Appeals Board or the person so authorised by the Chairman may also decide that a case or a specific group of cases must undergo particularly rapid examination.


25. The Secretariat shall regularly update and supplement the background information of the Refugee Appeals Board concerning the general situation in the countries from which Denmark receives asylum-seekers.


26. The Secretariat shall regularly update the website of the Refugee Appeals Board, www.fln.dk, by uploading selected summaries of Board decisions, its background material and other information of relevance to the activities of the Refugee Appeals Board.


27. The Secretariat shall assist the individual Board and its chairman by examining legal problems, preparing case-law summaries, preparing draft decisions, drafting consultative questions and consultation papers, etc.


Legal assistance


28. Upon receipt of the decision of the Danish Immigration Service, the Secretariat shall notify the asylum-seeker that the Refugee Appeals Board has received the case and request the asylum-seeker to make known his desire concerning assignment of counsel within ten days. The Secretariat shall assign counsel to act for the asylum-seeker. On request by the asylum-seeker, the Secretariat may revoke the assignment of counsel and assign other counsel.

(2) The Refugee Appeals Board may refuse to assign counsel chosen by the asylum-seeker if such counsel’s assistance is not deemed reasonable in consideration of the furtherance of the case. Correspondingly, the Board may revoke the assignment of counsel in consideration of the furtherance of the case. The counsel in question must be informed in advance of the contemplated revocation and be given a possibility of retaining his assignment if he contributes to further the case. If instead the asylum-seeker wants other counsel assigned, the Board shall assign such counsel, unless assignment may be refused under the first sentence hereof.


29. (1) In a written pleading, the asylum-seeker’s counsel should briefly give an account of the circumstances found to be of essential importance to the consideration of the case by the Refugee Appeals Board. The pleading should also state the asylum-seeker’s claim and submissions.

(2) A written pleading as mentioned in subsection (1) hereof is to be forwarded to the Secretariat as soon as possible after assignment of counsel and not later than seven days before the case is heard orally at a Board meeting. When the amount of the legal fee to the assigned counsel is fixed, pleadings submitted after the deadline may be disregarded.

(3) In cases which the Danish Immigration Service has sought to determine under the manifestly-unfounded procedure, the assignment of counsel is subject to the condition that counsel shall submit his comments within three weeks of his assignment. If counsel fails to observe the deadline, the Secretariat may assign other counsel in consideration of the furtherance of the case.


30. The Refugee Appeals Board shall pay the costs for interpretation of counsel’s preparatory meeting with the asylum-seeker. Counsel shall state the time spent by the interpreter and sign the interpreter voucher. The interpreter shall send his invoice to the Board, and as far as interpreters with a VAT number are concerned it must be sent an e-invoice. Time spent and travelling time as well as refund of transport expenses or car allowance must be approved by the person so authorised by the Chairman of the Refugee Appeals Board. If counsel uses an interpreter from another part of Denmark than where the interpretation services are rendered, travelling time and transport expenses or car allowance will only be refunded if counsel has obtained prior approval for this cost from the Secretariat of the Refugee Appeals Board.


31. In connection with the Board meeting, counsel shall bring a preliminary request for legal fees for his preparation of the case so that the chairman of the individual Board can approve the time spent on preparation and the time spent in connection the Board meeting and sign the request. If the chairman of the individual Board does not fully approve counsel’s request for legal fees for preparation, the chairman shall state the relevant grounds to counsel either orally in connection with the Board meeting or in writing in a subsequent notice. A copy of the signed request for legal fees indicating the number of preparation hours and Board meeting hours approved must be handed out or sent to counsel so that he can make a combined invoice, which must be sent as an e-invoice to the Refugee Appeals Board. Travelling time and refund of transport expenses or car allowance must be approved by the chairman of the individual Board, or the person so authorised by the Chairman.


Board proceedings


32. (1) Board proceedings are oral, but see sections 44, 45, 46, 47 and 50 as well as section 56(4) of the Aliens Act.


(2) The decision as to whether a case is to be heard orally or considered on the basis of written proceedings, will be decided when cases are allocated, see section 23.



33. (1) Board meetings are not public.

(2) The Chairman or one of the Deputy Chairmen shall chair the meetings.


34. (1) When a case is heard orally, the asylum-seeker, his counsel and a representative of the Danish Immigration Service have the opportunity to appear in the case. Moreover, the interpreter summoned by the Secretariat will appear.

(2) The Board will decide whether any third parties, including persons supporting the asylum-seeker or family members of his, trainees of the Danish Immigration Service and others where very particular reasons make it appropriate, may attend the Board meeting. Unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors must always be accompanied by their representative or a counsellor from the Danish Red Cross.

(3) The chairman of the individual Board shall inform the asylum-seeker at the opening of the meeting that the information provided by the asylum-seeker at the Board meeting and previously provided to his counsel will generally be considered to be confidential, but that in very special situations the information may be disclosed to the intelligence service or the prosecution service and that such information may form the basis of the prosecutor’s decision of whether or not a charge is to be brought for offences committed in Denmark or abroad.

(4) The chairman of the individual Board shall inform the persons appearing in the case that the written material of the case, including any pleading prepared by counsel, and the background material is presumed to be known to the Board and that the Board’s oral hearing of the case will thus concern the requisite elaboration or clarification of the circumstances of the case.

(5) The Board decides whether to examine the asylum-seeker and any witnesses and whether to procure other evidence. As chairman of the meeting, the chairman of the individual Board may disallow questions and oral pleadings from the asylum-seeker, his counsel or the representative of the Danish Immigration Service relating or referring to matters already known or to matters of no importance to the case.


35. Where an asylum-seeker has notified the Board that he does not wish to appear in person in the case, the case will be determined on the basis available with the assistance of the assigned counsel.


36. (1) Where an asylum-seeker fails to appear at the Board meeting without lawful cause of absence, the case will be determined on the basis available with the assistance of the assigned counsel. Where the asylum-seeker has a lawful cause of absence, the case will be adjourned. Where a case has been heard by the Board without the asylum-seeker’s assistance and it turns out subsequently that the asylum-seeker had a lawful cause of absence, the case will be reopened for another oral hearing.

(2) Where a medical certificate is submitted proving, in the opinion of the Board, that the asylum-seeker’s non-appearance was due to illness preventing the asylum-seeker from appearing, the Board will adjourn the case. Where a medical certificate proving that the non-appearance was due to illness preventing the asylum-seeker from appearing is submitted after the case has been heard by the Board without the asylum-seeker’s assistance, the case will be reopened for another oral hearing.


37. (1) Where it is anticipated prior to the Board meeting that an asylum-seeker will not appear in person before the Board, the scheduled meeting may be held if the asylum-seeker has been duly summoned, see section 23(3), or himself bears the responsibility for not having learnt about the summons.


(2) Where the asylum-seeker has not been duly summoned, see section 23(3), and the asylum-seeker has not otherwise learnt about the summons, a new date of the meeting will be fixed and the asylum-seeker will be summoned again.


(3) Where the Board has heard the case and it is established subsequently that the asylum-seeker does not himself bear the responsibility for not having learnt about the summons, the case will be reopened for another oral hearing.


38. At the written consideration of a case, the individual Board will determine the case at a meeting on the basis of the written material, including pleadings from the asylum-seeker, his counsel and the Danish Immigration Service.


39. During the consideration of a case by the Refugee Appeals Board, the chairman of the individual Board may decide that no documents or other evidence may be produced that could have been produced during the examination of the case by the Danish Immigration Service.


40. (1) Decisions of the Refugee Appeals Board are made by simple majority. The Board’s deliberations are confidential.

(2) Where a minority has voted for adjourning the determination of the case, but the majority has decided to determine the question of asylum, the minority shall participate in the determination.


41. Immediately after the end of deliberations, a case note on the result of the deliberations must be made. A member may require that a short reason for his viewpoint be added to the case note (dissenting member). The case note must be sent to the members of the Refugee Appeals Board for their information. The case note is confidential.


42. (1) A decision to grant a residence permit is delivered to the asylum-seeker and his counsel as soon as possible after the end of deliberations. If the decision cannot be delivered in writing at the Board meeting, it must be prepared as soon as possible afterwards. The decision must be signed by the chairman of the individual Board or by the person so authorised by the Chairman. The decision must be sent to the Danish Immigration Service to allow it to lay down the detailed conditions for the permit.

(2) A decision confirming the decision of the Danish Immigration Service which is made upon oral hearing at a Board meeting must be prepared in writing after the end of deliberations, but see subsection (3) hereof. The decision must be signed by the chairman of the individual Board, whereupon the decision must be served on and delivered to the asylum-seeker, to his counsel and to the representative of the Danish Immigration Service. If the decision affects an unaccompanied asylum-seeking minor, the chairman of the individual Board may decide, following consultation with the minor’s representative or a counsellor from the Danish Red Cross, that the decision is to be served by the chairman alone in the presence of the unaccompanied asylum-seeking minor, his representative or counsellor, the counsel in question and the interpreter. If the asylum-seeker is not present and the decision orders the asylum-seeker to leave the country, the decision must be sent in writing to the police for service of the time-limit for departure and for delivery of the decision. Where the decision does not order the asylum-seeker to leave the country, the decision must be sent directly to the asylum-seeker.


(3) Where it proves inexpedient to prepare the decision in writing immediately after the end of deliberations and where the case has been considered in writing, a decision upholding the decision of the Danish Immigration Service must be prepared as soon as possible and signed by the chairman of the individual Board or by the person so authorised by the Chairman. A decision ordering the asylum-seeker to leave the country must be sent in writing to the police for service of the time-limit for departure on and for delivery of the decision to the asylum-seeker, to the Danish Immigration Service and to counsel. A decision not ordering the asylum-seeker to leave the country must be sent to counsel, the Danish Immigration Service and to the asylum-seeker.



43. (1) Where the hearing of a case is adjourned, the Board shall make its decision at a meeting, possibly a conference call, or by deliberations in writing without holding a Board meeting.

(2) Where a case is to be determined by deliberations in writing, the members of the Board other than the Chairman and Deputy Chairmen of the Refugee Appeals Board shall give their votes in the case within a time-limit fixed by the Secretariat and normally not exceeding 14 days. Where the time-limit is exceeded, the Secretariat shall remind the member of the case. Following hearing of the member concerning the cause, serious instances of exceeded time-limits may be reported to the Chairman of the Refugee Appeals Board.


44. The chairman of the individual Board may determine cases where the conditions for being granted asylum must be deemed evidently to be satisfied.


45. The chairman of the individual Board or the person so authorised by the Chairman of the Refugee Appeals Board may determine that a case is to be remitted to the Danish Immigration Service.


Cases that the Danish Immigration Service has sought to determine under the manifestly-unfounded procedure


46. (1) Cases where, upon submission to the Danish Refugee Council, the Danish Immigration Service has not resolved under section 53b(1) of the Aliens Act that the decision cannot be appealed to the Refugee Appeals Board will be considered by the Chairman or a Deputy Chairman alone, unless there is reason to assume that the Board will change the decision of the Danish Immigration Service.

(2) The Chairman or one of the Deputy Chairmen may refer the individual case to an oral hearing by the Refugee Appeals Board if there are specific reasons for assuming that the proceedings before the Refugee Appeals Board will lead to a changed assessment of the decision made by the Danish Immigration Service.

(3) Cases which have been sought determined under the manifestly-unfounded procedure must undergo particularly rapid examination. This applies whether the specific case is considered by the Chairman or one of the Deputy Chairmen alone, or considered at a Board meeting.


Reopening of cases


47. (1) The chairman of the individual Board shall decide questions of reopening of an asylum case when, according to the contents of the application for reopening, there is no reason to assume that the Board will change its decision. The chairman of the individual Board may further determine cases where the conditions for being granted asylum must be deemed evidently to be satisfied. Finally, the chairman of the individual Board may decide to reopen a case and remit it to the Danish Immigration Service.

(2) In other cases the chairman of the individual Board may decide:-

(i) that the Board which decided the case shall decide on the reopening of the case at a meeting, possibly a conference call, or by deliberations in writing;

(ii) that the case is to be reopened and considered at a Board meeting by the Board which decided the case; or

(iii) that the case is to be reopened and considered by a new Board in meeting.


48. (1) An application for reopening does not suspend enforcement of the time-limit for departure unless the chairman of the individual Board so decides. Where the time-limit for the alien’s departure has been exceeded, an application for reopening does not suspend enforcement, unless exceptional reasons make it appropriate.

(2) In a case where the chairman of the Board which decided the case is not available, and where a particularly rapid decision of the case is required due to the returning of the individual by the Danish police, the issue of suspending the time-limit for departure or the issue of reopening the case may be submitted to one of the Deputy Chairmen or the Chairman of the Refugee Appeals Board.


49. During the consideration by the Refugee Appeals Board of an application for reopening, the chairman of the individual Board may decide that no documents or other evidence may be produced that could have been produced during the examination of the case by the Danish Immigration Service or the Board’s former consideration of the case.


Part 4


Cases considered by the courts under Part VIIb of the Aliens Act

50. Cases in which the Refugee Appeals Board shall issue an opinion under section 53c of the Aliens Act for the purpose of a decision of the court on an application for a residence permit from or the return of an alien under section 45d(1)(iii) to (v) of the Aliens Act must be considered by a Board composed as provided by section 2.

(2) The cases referred to in subsection (1) hereof must be considered at a Board meeting on the basis of written material.


51. The basis of an opinion of the Refugee Appeals Board must be the consultative questions stated by the court and the material submitted to the Board by the court. The Board will not have access to confidential material in the case.

(2) The opinion of the Refugee Appeals Board must relate to asylum case-law in general relative to the contemplated country of return, the relevant background material and the relevance of the case information in terms of asylum law. The opinion of the Refugee Appeals Board must be a general assessment.

(3) The Secretariat of the Refugee Appeals Board shall assist the individual Board in preparing the opinion.


Part 5

Miscellaneous provisions


52. (1) This Order enters into force on 1 December 2009.


(2) Executive Order No. 192 of 15 March 2006 of the Refugee Appeals Board on Rules of Procedure for the Refugee Appeals Board is repealed.



Refugee Appeals Board, 25 November 2009


B. O. Jespersen


/Stig Torp Henriksen





















Senest opdateret: 09-01-2012
Udgiver: Flygtningenævnet

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